My brother, the tree
In Italy, Arbor Day is celebrated every year on 21 November.
Dear brother tree,
You too are the fruit of eons of evolution of life on this planet. You too are the descendant of thousands of generations; in each generation, your ancestors have passed on to their children wisdom, care and know-how. You know how to interact with the world of fungi, with the vast microbial life in the soil. You know how to search for and find resources, protection from predators and from the seasons, and how to guarantee your descendants’ continuation.
Dear tree, you and I are not so different after all. We’re both seeking comfortable conditions, nourishing companionship, warmth and protection, and we both aspire to live a full life. Let us tell the tale of our common heroes, the ancient legend that unites us. Long ago, before the division between the animal and the vegetable worlds, our shared ancestor – an organism whose impact was not limited by its single-cellularity – invented the system of reproduction based on DNA, setting into motion millions of years of evolution of life. Let us declare, together, our common bond, so as not to forget our shared roots and our shared future.

I am grateful, brother tree, for the oxygen that you produce, for your fruit that nurtures me, for your shade that protects us both, for your skill in preventing erosion, for the abundance of life that you make possible. Even the oil that my species extracts and burns so frenetically is none other than the product of your ancestors from 300 million years ago. Not only are we consuming the forests of today, though the meat industry; by our use of fossil fuels we are burning hundreds of thousands of centuries of forests. This desecration saddens me greatly.
When I carry a tree as I walk to plant it in the orchard, these legs – whose are they really? Are they mine or are they yours? Do they belong to the one who stands on them, or to the one who benefits from their movement? Your branches and leaves, their cells and chlorophyll, are they yours alone or do they belong to the whole of life? Dear friend, I know I can choose how to use the energy you offer me (calculated all too mundanely in terms of calories). These muscles still have strength, thanks to you, and I choose to use them to plant, to nurture, to produce compost, to harvest and to teach others to do the same.
Brother tree, we walk together with these legs. We plant together with these arms. We breathe together with these lungs and these leaves. We stop and rest together with these bodies. We interact, together, with these roots.
Dear tree, our lives are also short. Might this be our last day – who can say? I join you in nurturing life, today, joyfully.
Happy “day of the tree”, with love,
Your brother Bar

At Pardesa practice center we’re continually adding planting trees and fruit bushes to our food forest and orchard. You too can contribute by donating a tree though our crowdfunding: Give a tree, plant a forest. You’ll receive a certificate bearing the type of tree of your choice and the name of the person to whom you dedicate it. The certificate, printed or digitally, makes a wonderful gift. Thank you for supporting our mission, the Earth, and all those who come to learn and practice!