Pardesa is open to the public only during organized events and for those registered in time. Thank you for your understanding.
Read about Daily life at Pardesa.
Contact us for more information on these events and registration in English.
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14-18 August: Abundant landscapes: Retreat bridging permaculture and Dharma, with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya, in Italian. Announcement and registration forthcoming

18 May: Living permaculture at Pardesa: Design, heart and abundance. Day-course in Permaculture with Fabio Pinzi. In Italian

1-4 May: Happy gardeners for a happy Earth. Course-retreat on productive gardening and happy gardeners, with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya. In Italian

18-21 April: The way home: Mindfulness retreat in nature. In English and Italian

5 April: Flowing with the river of sensations. Mindfulness day in nature with the sangha of Bologna. In English and Italian

30 March-6 April: Volunteering week in an atmosphere of mindfulness to contribute to the Earth, the soil and our practice center. In English and Italian

1 February: Living permaculture at Pardesa: Design, heart and abundance. Day-course in Permaculture with Fabio Pinzi. In Italian

27 January-2 February: Volunteering week in an atmosphere of mindfulness to contribute to the Earth, the soil and our practice center. In English and Italian

23 January: Pardesa from afar. Evening of mindfulness and presentation on Pardesa, online. In Italian

28 December 2024-1 January 2025: The silence that brings us home: New Year’s retreat. With instruction in English and Italian

22 December: Serving Mother Earth, joyfully. Day of Mindfulness in nature. With instruction in English and Italian

May-October: There are no others: Conflict and reconciliation inside and outside. A series of encounters of deep listening and looking deeply, regarding Palestine, Israel, and the Mind of love. In Italian

3 November: Celebrating the Trainings: Day of Mindfulness and Transmission Ceremony. In English and Italian

30 October-3 November: The Five Mindfulness Trainings: Mindfulness retreat with Dharma teachers Julia Ramanoelina and Bar Zecharya. In English and Italian

29 September: Healing is not an individual matter: Day of Mindfulness in nature with the Sangha of Bologna and international friends, in English and Italian

26 September-1 October: We are the Earth: Mindfulness retreat in nature with Bar Zecharya, in English

14-19 August: Abundant landscapes: Retreat bridging permaculture and Dharma, with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya, in Italian

27 July-3 August: Mind, Heart and Hands: meditation, Earth-care and community: An experience for young adults (under-30) that brings together a communal and contemplative lifestyle with care for the Earth. With Dharma teachers Julia Ramanoelina and Bar Zecharya, in English and Italian

14 July The best moment for clarity: Day of Mindfulness in nature with Dharma teacher Julia Ramanoelina. In Italian

5-7 July Time and space to observe: silent meditation retreat in nature. With instruction in Italian

23-26 May The Island within: mindfulness retreat with Hagit Harmon. In English and Italian.
The location of this retreat has been moved to Terra Felice practice center near Vicenza, in northern Italy

3-6 May: Healthy soil for a rich harvest, course-retreat on productive gardens and happy gardeners, with master permaculturist Fabio Pinzi. In Italian

25-29 April: Practicing with Buddhist psychology: The 51 Mental formations Mindfulness and meditation retreat, with Bar Zecharya. In English and Italian

1 April: Celebrating the Trainings: Day of Mindfulness and Transmission Ceremony. In English and Italian

28 March-1 April: The Five Mindfulness Trainings: Mindfulness retreat with Dharma teachers Julia Ramanoelina and Bar Zecharya. In English and Italian

29 December 2023 – 1 January 2024: “Time to observe, time to understand” Meditation retreat. In English and Italian

4 November: “Planting Pardesa” A day of mindfulness, including planting trees to express our love for the Earth and to build our practice center.

27-29 October: “Mindful workshop on cocciopesto and lime” A workshop on the ancient building and decorative technique of “cocciopesto”, in an atmosphere of collaboration and mindfulness, with Maria Giulia Terenzi. In Italian

7-8 October: “Cultivating healthy relationships with ourselves and with others“ Mini-retreat with Dharma teacher Bar Zecharya, offered by the Sangha of Bologna. In Italian

28 September – 1 October: “Friendship in our life and on the spiritual path“ Mindfulness retreat with Dharma teachers Julia Ramanoelina and Bar Zecharya. In English and Italian

11-17 September: “Mind, Heart and Hands: meditation, Earth-care and community“ An experience that brings together a communal and contemplative lifestyle with care for the Earth. In English and Italian

10-14 August: “Abundant landscapes“ Retreat bridging permaculture and Dharma, with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya

14-16 July: Mindfulness and nature: silent retreat

4 June: “Which seeds to water for a good harvest?“. Day of Mindfulness in nature offered by the Sangha of Bologna

12-14 May: “Falling in love again with Mother Earth“, mindfulness retreat with Dharma Teacher Julia Ramanoelina

28 April-1 May: “Workshop on creating small productive vegetable gardens“, course-retreat with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya

31 March-2 April: “A pond for life“, Permaculture and building workshop with Ivan Baratto

24-26 March: Silent retreat

23-28 January: Permaculture volunteer week. We’ll take care of the soil, the trees and ourselves. For more info contact us
November 2022
20 November: “A life of service” Day of mindfulness with Dharma teacher Chan Hao.
23-27 November: “Truly living” Meditation retreat with Dharma teacher Chan Hao.
October 2022
29 October: “Giving thanks to nature” A day of mindfulness and planting trees in our practice center.
September 2022
23-25 September: “Touching the Earth” Mindfulness and permaculture retreat with Bar Zecharya and Anna Dal Brun.
August 2022
19-23 August: “Abundant landscapes: Permaculture of the Earth and of the Mind” Course-retreat on permaculture and Dharma, with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya.
July 2022
2 July: “Rest with a purpose” Day of mindfulness in nature with Bar Zecharya and Ilaria Galbiati.
24 July: “Nothing to run after” Day of mindfulness in nature.
May 2022
6-9 May: “The garden that heals: Course-retreat on permaculture and mindfulness” with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya.
20-22 May: “Listening to the voices of nature” Silent retreat in nature.
28 May: Permaculture and care for the Earth, including evening practice and lodging the night of 28 May.
29 May: “Letting go of the thinking, resting in the body” Day of Mindfulness with the Sangha of Bologna.
April 2022
2 April: “In silence together with Thây” Day of mindfulness in nature.
15-21 April: “Mind, heart and hands: Meditation, care for the Earth and community“. Mindfulness retreat in nature.
March 2022
19-20 March 2022: “The garden in spring: Caring for the soil and plants” with Ivan Baratto
January 2022
30 January 2022: “Walking together with Thây” Day of Mindfulness to celebrate Thich Nhat Hanh’s teaching, presence and example. Meditation in nature and planting trees.
December 2021
30 December 2021 – 2 January 2022: “Time for myself, time for the world“, New Year’s retreat
November 2021
6 November: “Planting Pardesa!“: Working in our food forest and orchard
7 November: “Every day is a work of art“: Day of mindfulness with Adriana Rocco
12-14 November: “Clarity and compassion: The 51 mental formations” Mindfulness retreat
October 2021
5-10 October: “Deep roots, fragrant flowers: The Five Mindfulness Trainings” with Silvia Lombardi and Bar Zecharya
23 and 24 October: Planting Pardesa! Adding new trees to our food forest and orchard
29 October – 1 November: “Listening to what isn’t spoken” Silent Retreat
September 2021
11 -12 September: Mindfulness weekend in nature and Deep Time Walk “Terra e trasformazione: Passi nel tempo profondo“.
18 and 19 September: “Mindful worksite: Building an outdoor meditation hall“
August 2021
17-22 August: “Abundant landscapes: Applying the principles of permaculture to the Earth and to the mind” with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya
July 2021
4 July: “Pilgrimage to the beginnings of the Earth” Deep Time Walk
10 July: Evening of mindfulness practice at Pardesa
11 July: “Mindful consumption” Day of mindfulness offered by the Sangha of Bologna
23-25 July: “Simple is happy” Mindfulness weekend in nature
April 2021
30 April – 2 May: Gardening with regenerative agriculture and mindfulness. “L’orto in agricoltura rigenerativa e la presenza mentale” with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya
March 2021
6 and 7 March: “Here on this Earth, here for this Earth” Day of mindfulness in nature
19-21 March: “Sowing seeds for a good harvest: Mindfulness and regenerative agriculture” with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya
February 2021
20-21 February: “The life of trees: Understanding, care and pruning” with Ivan Baratto
October 2020
10-11 October: Planting Pardesa
17-18 October: Planting Pardesa
24-25 October: Planting Pardesa
September 2020
19 September: Giornata di permacultura e food forest
20 September: “La meraviglia del momento presente” Day of mindfulness with the Sangha of Bologna
August 2020
14-26 August : Permaculture Design Course (PDC) in mindfulness
July 2020
5 July: Day of mindfulness in nature
17-20 July: Mindfulness retreat on a topic (to be decided)
June 2020
28 June: Day of mindfulness in nature
May 2020
17 May: Day of mindfulness in nature
28 May – 3 June: Permaculture and mindfulness course
April 2020
10-13 April (Easter weekend): “Great Nurturing: Mindfulness and Regenerative agriculture” with Fabio Pinzi and Bar Zecharya
30 April – 3 May: Mindfulness retreat for activists
March 2020
7 and 8 March: “I take refuge in the Earth” Two days of mindfulness in nature
November 2019
8-10 November: “WakeUp” mindfulness retreat in nature for young adults (under 35)
October 2019
17-20 October: Residential course-retreat on Designing a food forest with Marco Pianalto
September 2019
29 September: Mind of Love. Day of Mindfulness in nature
August 2019
14-19 August: Permaculture and Regenerative agriculture
Residential course on permaculture and regenerative agriculture with Fabio Pinzi
July 2019
14 July: Evening of Mindfulness in nature with lay Dharma teacher Lyn Fine
June 2019
9 June: Annaffiamo il nostro giardino (“Watering our garden”)
Day of Mindfulness in nature
14-16 June: Dai rifiuti ai fiori (“From waste to flowers”)
Mindfulness and ecological building retreat in nature
21-23 June: Dai rifiuti ai fiori (“From waste to flowers”)
Mindfulness and ecological building retreat in nature