About us
Pardesa is a practice center in the Dhyana (zen) tradition founded by the Venerable Thích Nhất Hạnh, that integrates the practice of mindfulness in daily life, in light of the interconnection between all phenomena: the mind, our civilization, all beings and the Earth included. In both our formal and informal practice, we aspire to look beyond forms and dualism in order to cultivate internal freedom and to support compassionate action.
Bar Zecharya

Bar Zecharya, caretaker of Pardesa, Dharma teacher and permaculturist, has practiced mindfulness and applied meditation for over twenty-five years, and for more than fifteen years has facilitated groups in Italy, Israel and Palestine. He is a student of zen master Thich Nhat Hanh, by whom he was ordained in 2010 as a lay member of the Order of Interbeing. In 2022 Bar received the Lamp Transmission from the international community of Plum Village, thereby becoming a teacher in this tradition.
Bar was introduced to permaculture in 2014 and since then has made interconnection with the Earth and practical care for ecosystems the center of his spiritual path. Topics dear to him include: relating to the Earth and the climate crisis; practicing in contexts and moments of conflict; understanding and working with the mind, the ego and consciousness; living our deepest aspiration; and the art of stopping and healing.
Bar holds an MA in Comparative Religions (The Ohio State University) and a PhD in Political Science (Sapienza University of Rome). Since 2018 he serves as caretaker of Pardesa.
May we continue to touch joy and suffering. May we continue cultivating space in order to observe our mechanisms and strategies, to open in wonder to being alive on this planet, and to nurture compassion as a perennial state of mind.
Bar Zecharya
Maria Giulia Terenzi

Maria Giulia Terenzi is a joyful, stable presence, welcoming not only for human beings but also for animals, plants and minerals.
For more than ten years she has studied and practiced permaculture, acquiring experience in the fields of gardening, agriculture and social dynamics. Among other things, Maria Giulia puts great love into Pardesa’s amazing vegan cuisine, contributing happily and creatively by proposing meals free from suffering. She loves art and enjoys creating beauty wherever she is, from illustrations to paintings, guiding the morning circles and designing the vegetable garden.
With an academic degree in Art Conservation and Restoration from the University of Urbino, she works in the field of restoration and in sustainable building. Maria Giulia is co-founder of CantiereZeta, a collaboration of artisans with a passion for natural materials and ancient techniques.
Thanks to the practice of mindfulness I feel like the gardener of my inner orchard. My aspiration is to cultivate beautiful flowers that all can enjoy.
Maria Giulia Terenzi
Julia Ramanoelina

Julia Ramanoelina is a Dharma teacher from the tradition of Zen Master Thich Nhat Hanh and the international mindfulness practice center Plum Village. She lived as a nun in Plum Village for 12 years and has traveled throughout Europe, Latin America and Asia to help lead retreats and meditation activities for adults, teenagers and children.
Julia is present at Pardesa many times a year to offer retreats, support daily practice and share her wisdom, lightness and joy. Julia cares deeply and concretely about nature and about people; and she focuses her attention each day to embody the spiritual name she received from Thich Nhat Hanh in 2008: “True harmony.”
La Natura della Mente APS
Events that take place at Pardesa, including their administrative aspects, are managed by the non-profit cultural association La Natura della Mente (the Nature of the Mind). Serving on its executive council are Bar Zecharya, Patrizia Giordano and Ilaria Galbiati.

Patrizia Giordano
With a Philosophy degree and a PhD in Political Science from Sapienza University of Rome, Patrizia has been active in the world of NGOs, civil society and international cooperation for over twenty-five years. In addition to her desire to construct a more healthy and peaceful future, she serves as vice president of the association, offering her wisdom in Pardesa’s continual evolution.
Ilaria Galbiati
Psychologist, psychotherapist and mindfulness instructor, Ilaria shares her heart and creativity leading days of mindfulness at Pardesa, as well as serving as secretary of the association. Through her encouragement and understanding she is a true support for those active in the life of the practice center. Ilaria currently lives in Milan where she shares the fruits of her practice with her partner, daughter and all who have the good fortune to know her.
Margherita De Togni

A fountain of joyful support, Margherita offers her contagious smile, facilitating sitting and walking meditation, working in the vegetable garden and making good use of her IT skills. She could live anywhere in the world and we’re happy that she’s chosen Pardesa.
In 2015, Margherita was ordained into the Order of Interbeing founded by Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh, with the spiritual name “True Garden of Pear Trees”.