Flowing with the river of sensations
5 April 2025
Day of mindfulness practice
offered by the Sangha of Bologna
at Pardesa practice center in northern Italy
The body is a river, and every cell is a drop of water, in constant movement and transformation. Inside of us there is also a river of sensations, in which every sensation is a drop of water. Every sensation, whether pleasant, unpleasant or neutral, develops and disappears in relation to all the others. To observe them means to sit by the river of sensations and recognize them as they are born, develop and disappear.
From “Transformation and healing” by Thich Nhat Hanh (translation in English from the Italian version)

We’re invited to participate in a day of mindfulness offered by the sangha of Bologna, in order to stop and breathe, mindfully observing the river of our constantly transforming sensations. Our practice will take place at Pardesa, where care for the Earth and care for the mind walk hand-in-hand, and where Mother Earth offers her abundance, thanks to expert attention and love.
The day of mindfulness includes sitting and walking meditation outdoors, a shared lunch, teachings from the tradition of Thich Nhat Hanh, and space for listening to ourselves and the Earth.
Practical information
When: Saturday 5 April 2025 9:30 am – 5.00 pm
What to bring:
- vegan food to share for lunch, ready to serve
- your own reusable plate/cutlery
- meditation cushion or bench (cushions are available but you may prefer your own)
- thermos
- shoes for walking outdoors
Contribution: €15 to support our practice center
This day of mindfulness is full, thank you to all those who registered
To be on the waiting list in case of cancellation: please write Maria Pia by SMS/WhatsApp at +393403070411. Thank you.